More than a joban experience
More than a joban experience

About Us

About us

OCIO is derived from the spanish word “negocio” meaning doing business.
The word negocio can be split in two:
Neg (negar), means to deny
So neg-ocio can be interpreted as denying oneself free time. We never perceived the hospitality industry as neg-ocio but as OCIO, free time. 

How it all started

We, two girls from Curaçao created this lifestyle during our time in Spain.

While studying in the Netherlands, we took on the challenge of working for a campsite in Spain for a few months during several years. The first time was an eye-opening experience and the question arose: Why hasn’t anyone done this before?

That is why we created OCIO.

Curaçao to Spain

Coming from Curaçao, it is easy for us to switch between Spanish, Dutch and English.

There is a high demand for people like us in the hospitality industry locally and abroad especially during the high season. Working in Spain gives you the opportunity to apply your skills and competencies in the hospitality industry and to develop new skills in a short period of time.

On a personal level, working in Spain gives you the opportunity to discover and experience different cultures, nationalities and gastronomy.

This is the reason we want others to experience the OCIO we have had during our many travels. We want to be the HUP between the Caribbean and the Mediterranean and give you the chance to experience this too.

OCIO is about enjoying life through activities that set you free. Thus, OCIO:  Your hospitality job beyond borders!

Mission and Vision

One of the cornerstones of OCIO is to have staff that is well trained, educated and experienced in the hospitality industry.

We are dedicated and commited to connect capable local young professionals with employers in the hospitality industry abroad in a affordable, easy way. Our objective is for our staff to experience enjoyment while working.

In the long term we want an exchange of knowledge and experience between Curaçao and Spain. Exchanging knowledge, culture and cuisine.

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